
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Too Long Clanky...Too Long

It has been WAAAAY too long dear sister. And we never finished our trip! I think that after this post, I will try to remember what came next on the trip…but you know how my memory can be. Be prepared to correct my blips and mistakes.
This week has been quite exciting. Okay, so not really until tonight. Mostly the week was me doing homework and studying as all college students should. Mother said that you once took 21 credits, and I applaud you. I am only taking 17 credits and I am struggling keeping up. That may also have something to do with the fact that none of them are fun classes and are all for my major, but still. On Monday, I FINALLY got a job…and guess what it is…yep you guessed it. I am a janitor at the school. Early Morning Janitor, which I have to say, is the best kind. 3 am to 7 am in the morning I am vacuuming, sweeping and scrubbing rooms and toilets. They are so clean. SO clean, in fact, that you can even eat off of them. Although I would never recommend it. I think I am the only one in the building that takes pride in their work, but I actually like doing a good job. I worked in a different building last Spring and we cleaned everything VERY thorough. In my current building, the Snow, people hardly clean at all. It’s kind of sad.
This reminds me of a story. Do you remember when I was in 3rd grade and everyone in my class was going around and saying what they wanted to be when they grew up? I think some of the responses were fireman, policeman, a mother, a surgeon. Then it was my turn. I piped up nice and loud “A MAID” and everyone looked at me and then laughed. Even the teacher. So humiliating. But I do believe that is the reason I like cleaning so much.
And that pretty much was my week, which brings us to today. I was asked to volunteer for a sleigh ride trip at 4:30pm. I agreed and showed up at 4 for instruction. The leader shows up, hands me the liability forms which everyone has to sign and tells me to read it to everyone when they arrive. The forms basically say that you can’t sue BYU-Idaho and you could twist your ankle or simply die on this trip and that is expected. Then the leader, Lex, said he had to go pick up the van and the food, and he would be back shortly. I said alrighty, how hard can it be to keep people busy for 5 minutes…
4:30 rolls around and I decide to start the reading of the liability form.  As the participants were reading it out loud (I wasn’t going to read it all…it’s an entire page of legal jargon, so I made them do it!) I started laughing as it said everything that could possibly happen to the participants. I couldn’t help it. I will have to find it and type it up for you some time. It really is funny. Everyone finishes and then it gets quiet…I ask everyone where they are from, everyone answers, and then again quiet. Thankfully they were all coupled up so they started talking to themselves. Bullet dodged.
4:40 rolls around…4:45…4:50, and FINALLY he shows up with the van. He starts checking people in on the computer and they start piling into the van. It turns out we have 12 people…we have a five passenger van. Strike 2. I run over to Lex and asked what to do and he says, well I guess you get to drive. Two problems. For starter I did not have my license on me…and second, I don’t have permission from the school to drive. I haven’t passed the exam yet. But He said he would take responsibility, and apparently I haven’t learned yet to make sure I get it in writing, but I accepted the risk. We arrive…at 5:15 after getting lost twice (I learned to bring my own map from now on) and pull in. I learn shortly after this that I will be on the sleigh ride. With my thin jacket and little tennis shoes, I hop on and begin to freeze.
So this “sleigh” is not really a sleigh at all. It was more of a plank of wood on wheels with hay bales pulled by two horses.  It was…interesting. And cold. And cold. Did I mention it was cold? While we are on the sleigh ride, the driver wants us to get up and cut the rope on the bales of hay and shove them off the sleigh to feed all the animals. Somewhere in this long process I lost my hat. My favorite hat. Well, one of my favorites. The grey one I got for Christmas. I suppose I could just go down to target to replace it-oh wait, there is no target here. J Gotta Love Rexburg, Idaho! But all in all a great trip around on the sleigh. I don’t think anyone in that crew will do it again though.
We start to drive back and I turn around this corner and a CAT runs out right in front of my car! Ugh stupid cats! It was the cutest little thing I have ever seen too. So fluffy because it is so cold here in the winter. It is so lucky I was going like 3 miles an hour and was able to stop quickly. Because that would have ruined my day for sure.
I will be leading trips like this all the time, so I am sure that there will be amazing stories coming. 
Church is going to start soon…well okay, I don’t have church till 1:50…but I am thinking about taking a nap before then.
Love you dearest sister
Little Lucy

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